Third Transnational Meeting

The third transnational meeting was held in the premises of the Hellenic Air Force Academy on the 26th of October 2021

The third transnational meeting of the International Air Force Semester dealt with the preparation of the pilot phase of the project in which the partners discussed several topics related to the organisation of the pilot activities.
The partners discussed all the current management activities and also reviewed the official interim report before its submission to the National Agency.
Subsequently, the progress on the Intellectual Output 3 was reviewed and the final list of the deliverables was agreed. 
The partners finally discussed the preparation and organisation of the pilot events, starting with the Train-The-Trainer workshop that will take place in Portugal in March 2022, followed by the Blended Mobility event organised in Romania in May 2022 and the last joint pilot activities the Intensive Teaching Program with Invited Lecturers which will take place in Greece in July 2022.
Third Transnational Meeting